My 13th birthday was a week or two ago! When I woke up a plate of thirteen cant-leave-alone bars was at my place at the table. They are soooooooo gooooood!
After breakfast Mom took me to boondocks to use the coupon they give you to use on your birthday.
cant-leave-alone bars
Then we came home and hung out until my dad got home and I got to open presents! I got lots of cute clothes!
Me wearing my new birthday shirt + necklace
Then all my friends came over and we went to Kaysville City's summer play, 42nd Street! It was really well done and fun to go to with my friends.
Us at the play! Me, Noelle, Morgan, and Tailor
After the play we went to Artic Circle for Ice cream and more presnts. My favorite to open was Noelle's, because she wrapped a cute little Moleskine notebook in...
Me with the cake + another birthday shirt.
Then on Monday, Grandma and Grandpa came over for cake and ice cream!
It was an awesome birthday!